- Signalement - (PDF) (3/11/2020)
- Certificat
EX.VTL.US.04.03 - (PDF) (27/07/2021)
- Instruction
RI.US.04.03 - (PDF) (19/04/2023)
- Traceability declaration - (PDF) (19/04/2023)
- Certificat - (PDF) (04/06/2021)
- Instruction
RI.US.04.Re-entry - (PDF) (09/11/2023)
1. Chevaux ayant participé aux épreuves du Longines League of Nations and Global Champions Tour 2024 organisées au Maroc et/ou en Arabie Saoudite en octobre et novembre 2024.
Ces exigences viennent en sus des exigences habituellement d’application.
- Screwworm and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) requirements for horses competing in the Longines Global Champions Tour in Morocco and/or Saudi Arabia prior to export to the United States - (PDF) (05/09/2024)
- Screwworm and FMD declaration : Veterinary export health certificate addendum - (PDF) (05/09/2024)
- Supplemental Health Certificate for European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK) Origin Horses Competing in Multiple Countries of Different CEM, Screwworm, and FMD Disease Status at the Longines Global Champions Tour 2024 - (PDF) (05/09/2024)
- Supplemental Health Certificate for U.S. Origin Horses that Temporarily Reside in Multiple Countries of Different CEM, Screwworm, and FMD Disease Status for No More Than 90 days Preceding Return to the United States - (PDF) (05/09/2024)
2. Chevaux ayant participé aux épreuves du Major League Show Jumping Circuit organisées au Mexique en octobre et novembre 2024.
Ces exigences viennent en sus des exigences habituellement d’application.
- Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) requirements for horses competing in the Major League Show Jumping Circuit in Mexico and then residing in the European Union (EU) before exporting to the United States - (PDF) (16/09/2024)
- Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis declaration: Veterinary health certificate addendum - (PDF) (16/09/2024)